Saturday, January 31, 2009


So sorry I haven't blogged in a while. This month has been so busy. I will try to update what is happening in our lives. Tony is still in New Scouts(that is the 11 year olds). He is enjoying it, especially since Trevor is now in there. They went on an overnight campout last night. It is called The Klondike Derby. I hope they all stayed warm enough in their tents and sleeping bags. It makes me cold just thinking about it. And we all know how much I hate to be cold. Since the guys were all gone on their campout, Shantel and Jayden came over and had pizza and watched movies with Aleena and I. It was so much fun!
Aleena is recuperating from a visit to the emergency room on Thursday. She has been having some pain in her abdomen for a few days and on Thursday as she was getting ready for work The pain all of a sudden hit her really hard. She was home alone and called me on my cell phone crying and was in so much pain she couldn't move. I was in Orem with Shantel and Jayden meeting with Jaydens Dr and Tony was in Mapleton. I felt so bad we weren't there with her. Thank goodness Trevor walked in the door from school and got her some medicine and a hot pad. It didn't help much though. Tony and Shantel ended up taking her to the ER when they got home. They did a CT scan and found that she had an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. She also had other cysts on both ovaries. They gave her some really strong pain medication. She was so glad to have the pain under control. She has been very weak and tired and can't wait to be back to normal.
Trevor is playing basketball again this year. He is such a good player! Tony calls him a miniature Charles Barkley. Of course, Tony is his coach. He really enjoys coaching the kids. They have a great team this year. Robert didn't want to play on a city league, but he is playing with the Young Men and is enjoying that.
This has been a very busy month with my new calling. We are visiting the Ward Conferences in our stake. We have 12 wards. One is the hospital branch and one is the singles ward, we don't have to visit them. Some weeks I have gone to my own ward and another wards meetings. Some weeks we even have two ward coferences to attend on the same day. Wow! that is alot of meetings. The first one we went to Bo Holland was the member of the bishopric conducting. His family lived next to ours when we were growing up. It was fun to see him. A couple of weeks ago we had a Baptism Preview for the kids in our stake that get baptized this year and their parents. This was our first event as a new presidency. It was great! We had a huge turnout. By the time I got home it was 9:30pm and my feet were killing me. I am not used to wearing heels all day like that. Trevor was so kind and gave me a foot rub. I just love serving in the Primary! I am grateful to have a husband and a family that is so supportive.
Last Saturday we had our ward breakfast(it was postponed in December because of a funeral). It was so much fun. Tony and I were part of the program. Some of us from the Primary did a snowman mix where we danced around a snowman to songs like thriller, Dei-o, a rap song, a cowboy song, batman, sounds of silence and a mexican hat dance. It started and ended with our friend Mike sitting on the edge of the stage, licking a big lollipop and singing "Once there was a snowman". Tony did lip sync to some of the songs. It was hilarious!
As many of you already know Tony is a HERO!!!haha. He doesn't really like to think so, but we are very proud of him for keeping the lady from going back into her burning house. He definately was in the right place at the right time. Everywhere he goes people tell him they saw him on the news or in the newspaper. He is our HERO!!!


Archuletas said...

I was so glad to see you are still alive, ha, ha. It sounds like you have been very busy. I feel so bad for Aleena to have to go through the ovarian cysts, they are no fun at all. I had only one and thought I was going to die.

Shantel said...

So either ovarian cysts are common or they run in the family! I would have to say I think it is hereditary! I really hope that I never have to deal with that!

Tyson and Amanda Blanco said...

Hey I have tagged you to do a husband tag it you want to. Look at my blog to see what it is. Have fun!