Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am so bad at this blogging stuff. As most of you already know, Aleena is engaged to a nice young man. His name is Jarom Lance. They met on a blind date in October and felt an immediate connection. It was pretty much love at first sight. They have been together almost everyday since then. They are so happy together and bring out the best in each other. They are really excited to get married. The date they have chosen is March 26th. This is mine and Tony's 28th anniversary. It will be fun to share the same anniversary date with them. We are all very excited for them!
Trevor is playing on a city basketball team. He is such a natural when it comes to sports. He definitely doesn't get that from his mother. I love watching his games as he is usually the star and makes the most rebounds and points. Last week we met with his teacher and she told us he is reading on a higher level than his class and is the most intelligent kid in his class. Wow!! We knew he does fine in school but didn't realize he was doing that good. We truly are blessed with great children and grandchildren. I am so proud of each of them and love them all so much!